ABC Interview: TikTok is introducing new settings to limit screen time among under 18s. Teenagers will be asked to enter a passcode to keep watching after one hour a day. Will this work to reduce teen’s screentime? My answer is “No”.
ABC Interview: TikTok is introducing new settings to limit screen time among under 18s. Teenagers will be asked to enter a passcode to keep watching after one hour a day. Will this work to reduce teen’s screentime? My answer is “No”.
The Morning Show: Red flags to watch out for with phone and social media scams.
In a recent study of TikTok users, around 50% of those interviewed stated that they found videos of 60 seconds or more stressful. Here I explain why such a relatively short video can make us feel this way. Boredom is our new form of stress.
9 News: The problem with school banning mobile phones that no one is talking about.
A lot of us are on edge about our online security in the wake of the Optus hack. 3 things you need to know about what gets sold by hackers, and 3 things to start doing to protect your data.
Newshub TV New Zealand: Schools around the world are moving to ban cellphones, but research has found that banning cellphones had no impact on students’ academic performance, in the short or long term, and it didn’t reduce bullying.
In my interview for Today Show I warn parents to check the terms and conditions on the apps their children are using after reports their personal information is being sold off.
The Morning Show: Every parent warns their child not to talk to strangers, but did you know that kids’ devices are collecting massive amounts of data on them?
New interview: New research released by Pixalate presents this shocking state of play of the lack of care for children.
Sunrise segment: When guiding your child’s social media use, there has to be a mid transition time where you manage posting and the social media account together. The teenage years are the best time to do that.